Borderlands 2 Level 50 Saves Ps3 Slim
I can understand wanting to continue where you left off on your ps3 account, but really, if you liked the game that much that you brought it on another platform, is just playing the game and enjoying it, that big a deal? Is not converting your ps3 save going to stop you from playing it on pc? If so, that's kind of stupid in my opinion.. Originally posted by:Why bother to buy on pc when you have already got so far on ps3 then? If you didn't enjoy the game enough to start over again, why did you buy it on another platform?.. But I didn't waste my money on something i won't play because i can't figure out how to convert my save file, so it's not really my problem.. The saved games, including the protected saves, to a new PS3's HDD I am having a bad time with my PS3 which I've had for about 2 years, PS3 slim with 120GB HDD. How To Download Highly Compressed Games For Android
I can understand wanting to continue where you left off on your ps3 account, but really, if you liked the game that much that you brought it on another platform, is just playing the game and enjoying it, that big a deal? Is not converting your ps3 save going to stop you from playing it on pc? If so, that's kind of stupid in my opinion.. Originally posted by:Why bother to buy on pc when you have already got so far on ps3 then? If you didn't enjoy the game enough to start over again, why did you buy it on another platform?.. But I didn't waste my money on something i won't play because i can't figure out how to convert my save file, so it's not really my problem.. The saved games, including the protected saves, to a new PS3's HDD I am having a bad time with my PS3 which I've had for about 2 years, PS3 slim with 120GB HDD. 0041d406d9 How To Download Highly Compressed Games For Android
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8 and have no problems with BL2 saves You wouldn't want to start at level 1 in UVHM since it starts at level 50. Personal Translator 2008 Professional Keygen Torrent